The coursework for my University module, 'Introduction to Video Games Programming'. I took the game Pac-man, recreated it in Unity with custom levels and characters.

The game launches into a main menu where you can choose to play, view leaderboards, view achievements or exit. This menu is controlled via the keyboard only.
The leaderboards are per level and sort by the highest any player has achieved and submitted. Any repeated name will overwrite the existing score of that name.

The achievements are global and once they are unlocked they cannot be completed again, the stat they track just continues to increase.

The game features 5 different characters which each have a different power up. There are also 3 different levels with different layouts.

I started by looking at existing implementations of Pac-man in Unity as they would be a good guide for how to create certain parts of the game. After this I made the first level and worked on movement and then submitted the code for peer review as part of the module. After receiving feedback I made improvements before working on the rest of the game.
As the game uses Unity it is written in C# and I made design patterns through such as the component and observer pattern.
The GitHub repository for the game is available here.